基于OpenSSL和QUICHE的Nginx/OpenResty HTTP3 QUIC 构建
Build Openresty/Nginx against OpenSSl which have HTTP3 Boringssl API for QUIC using Cloudflare's Quiche impl.
使用 Cloudflare quiche(QUIC 实现)基于修改的 OpenSSL,构建 Nginx/OpenResty
- OpenSSl1.1.1g 支持 QUIC draft 27
- Cloudflare quiche master 基于 OpenSSL 构建
- Nginx/OpenResty 1.17.10 基于 OpenSSL 构建
Build process
mkdir build
cd build
git clone -b nginx-1.17.10-quic-support --single-branch https://github.com/inevity/openresty.git
git clone -b openresty-packaging-quic-support --single-branch https://github.com/inevity/openresty-packaging.git
cd openresty
make clean && make
cd ../openresty-packaging/deb
make zlib-build
sudo apt-get install ./a.deb ./a-dev.deb
make pcre-build
sudo apt-get install ./a.deb ./a-dev.deb
make opensll111-build
sudo apt-get install ./openresty-openssl111-dev_1.1.1g-1~focal1_amd64.deb ./openresty-openssl111_1.1.1g-1~focal1_amd64.deb
make opensll111-debug-build
sudo apt-get install ./openresty-openssl111-debug-dev_1.1.1g-1~focal1_amd64.deb ./openresty-openssl111-debug_1.1.1g-1~focal1_amd64.deb
make openresty-build
sudo apt-get install ./openresty_1.17.10.1rc1-1~focal1_amd64.de
make openresty-debug-build
sudo apt-get install ./openresty-debug_1.17.10.1rc1-1~focal1_amd64.deb
mkdir ~/build/http3
rsync -av /usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf http3/
rsync -av /usr/local/openresty/nginx/html http3/
rsync -av /usr/local/openresty/nginx/logs http3/
cd ~/build/http3
sudo openresty -p .
sudo openresty -p . -s reload
sudo openresty -p . -s stop
sudo openresty-debug -p .
/curl/bin/curl -vvv --http3 https://approachai.com
tail -f logs/error.log
Dev Notes
OpesnSSL 支持 HTTP3
本质是实现 BoringSSL 的 QUIC API. 具体参见 Akamai OpenSSL QUIC Branch
讨论见 WIP: master QUIC support #8797
如下最后两个 patch 是针对 BoringSSL 对 QUIC 传输层的方法的修改而来的,目前支持最新 Cloudflare QUICHE.
ubuntu@easybubuild:~/build/openresty-packaging$ cat deb/openresty-openssl111/debian/patches/series
Cloudflare QUICHE 针对 OpenSLL 编译的修改
原来 QUICHE 构建只针对 BoringSSL,这个 patch 使得基于 OpenSSL 构建成为可能。
讨论见 WIP tls: add feature to build against OpenSSL #126
我的修改主要是针对最新的 BoringSSL 引入的改变,做了相应的改变。
比如 add 了 early data/0 RTT,规避了 SSL_get_peer_signature_algorithm,SSL_get_curve_id 等
ubuntu@easybubuild:~/build/openresty$ ls patches/0001-tls-add-feature-to-build-against-OpenSSL.patch
OpenResty/Nginx 的 HTTP3 支持
本质需要基于 TLS1.3 和 QUICHE 提供的传输层 API 和 HTTP3 API,提供 HTTP3 实现。
核心 patch 是 Cloudflare 提供的基于 BorignSSL 的 nginx quic patch
nginx-1.17.10-quiche.patch 是核心 patch。
由于基于 pkgconfig 方式构建的 QUICHE,删除了这个核心 patch 对 nginx 里的 openssl 的构建的修改auto/lib/openssl/make
, 添加了单独构建 OpenSSL 包的情况,添加了调试选项。
ubuntu@easybubuild:~/build/openresty$ ls patches/nginx-1.17.10-quiche* -t
patches/nginx-1.17.10-quiche-remove_opennssl_make_fix.patch patches/nginx-1.17.10-quiche_openssldebug.patch
patches/nginx-1.17.10-quiche.patch patches/nginx-1.17.10-quiche_sshheader.patch
Have Done
- Debain package openresty-openssl111, openresty,and debug package .
- The QUIC draft 28
- RPM package
- Alpine image
- 0-RTT test
- test nginx with openssl dir option,which the quiche also need the openssl.
- hard coded cargo path and openssl lib path in nginx
A small favor
Was anything I wrote confusing, outdated, or incorrect? Please let me know! Just write a few words below and I'll be sure to amend this post with your suggestions.
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